Sunday 21 August 2011

Please welcome our new addition! Griffin William, 8 lbs. 9 oz., 21.5 ", head circumference 14"...ouch!

After a long couple of days, Mel and Jer's new addition, Griffin William has arrived!  Mel was very brave and handled the process with commendable strength.  She was induced on Friday, August 19th and was sent home.  Baby Griffen was delivered by Caesarian section last night, Saturday, August 20th @ 11:33 after 30 HOURS LABOUR!  He opened his eyes right away and smiled at his Dad.  Jer got to cuddle with him for his first two hours of life.   Mel, you did great!  Enjoy this time and I wish you a speedy recovery!  Don't forget to have cold cabbage handy! ;)  Congratulations Jer!  You will make a great Daddy!  Can't wait to see you all again!

Love Auntie Jan!

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