Wednesday 20 April 2011

Please post your wishes here.

You look beautiful!!!!


  1. Melanie and Jeremy, Wishing you all the best. Your lives are about to change! For the better! When you get to be my age, you'll look back and remember these as the best days of your lives! Dad/John

  2. Congrats to you both!! I wish you all the best in the world for your little mini you! Cherish every moment....they grow up in a blink of an eye. I know you'll be the best mom in the world.
    Love Melissa, Andrew, Broedy and Hayleigh.

  3. When you've completed your comment, you will need to select a profile below from the drop down menu. You can choose "Anonymous" if you can't decide, and just make sure that your name is at the end of your comment. Thanks for taking the time to give Mel and Jer a few words! Jan

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  5. Congratulatons Mel & Jeremy. You are looking amazing.
    Another exciting step in your life's journey is about to start. Enjoy every minute of it.
